Monday, October 3, 2011

Chrome to step over Firefox to reach #2 browser share

Internet Explorer remains on top of the browser heap, thanks to being built into Windows. But the fight for number two will be over by the end of the year, and Chrome will stand atop Firefox for the first time.
Such is the news from StatCounter, the Irish company that says Chrome use has risen by 50 percent. Currently, IE holds about 42 percent of the market, compared to Firefox with about 27 percent, with Chrome moving up fast on the outside at almost 24 percent.
Amazingly, about 10 percent of users are still surfing with IE 6, a real security nightmare. Why? One reason is that some large companies programmed internally around IE6, and upgrading to a safer browser breaks too many internal applications. Let's hope something shakes those people into upgrading. Hey, guys, check out Chrome

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